2024 Sponsorships

Sponsorships may increase after January 1st commit today to lock-in these rates!

Clays logo
Clays to Elevate Lives - May 9th at Kiowa Creek

Blitz logo
Blitz Build will be an ongoing summer ramp program. We will be offering 3-4 crews slots each month, May -October. Sponsorship benefits - logos on yard signs, shirts, social media promotion, etc- will remain as before. Now you can pick the month that works best for you AND we can serve clients in a more timely manner- sign up early to get your preferred date!

Clubs logo
Clubs for a Cause, Monday, September 16 at Rolling Hills 

Celebration logo
Annual Celebration, October 10, Location TBD 


    • Platinum: $25,000
    • Gold: $17,500-$24,999
    • Silver: $10,000-$17,499
    • Bronze: $5,000-$9,999
    • Friends of HBF: $2,500-$4,999
Annual Supporter Level may be discussed with staff based upon additional non-monetary donations.

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Primary and Secondary Contact Info
Official Address

Mailing Address, if different

Company Links

Electronic Signature
I have the authority to execute this supporter/sponsorship agreement on behalf of the above-named company or organization and, with my signature, commit the company to paying Home Builders Foundation the above-listed total fee.

Please send ALL versions of your logo to LKnudsen@hbfdenver.org. Files should be in high res and in EPS format. Include color and black & white versions; vertical and horizontal versions, and other formats (jpeg, png, etc.) as well.